
Mia guides women in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process by allowing them to track events, get assistance with medication as well as get an idea what they have to expect down the line of the process.



Product Designer


Initial Research

I didn’t even know what IVF meant when I started. Therefore, phase 1 was spent researching in dialogue with Mia, users and competitor apps. Only like that I could truly grasp the problem we were trying to solve.


Trimming Features

After I have concluded the research phase, I realised there was a lot of clutter in the existing experience that did not contribute to the user’s main goals. We streamlined the feature set and simplified navigation.


Building a strong framework for data input

At the heart of the app, IVF events and its results can be tracked. This results in a lot of data input. We removed unnecessary inputs, simplified inputs (e.g. use of steppers) and made them consistent throughout the app. Development cost was kept in mind so custom inputs had to be avoided as much as possible.


Multiple states for a great experience

A lot of experience usually fall apart once screens are not in their ideal state (populated with good data). Beyond the ideal state, I take care of empty states, loading states, error states and loading states.


Simplified Onboarding 

Last but not least, we simplified the onboarding by keeping paragraphs shorter and only telling users about one benefit, instead of multiple at once.


All visual design decisions in one style guide

To keep things modular and make it easy for new screens to be created, I have built a style guide that serves as a system for future design decisions.


Why I worked on this

As a product designer I want to work on products that improve people’s lives by being very useful. This is why education and health is dear to me. Due to the strong overlap with my values, this was a no-brainer for me to start working on it.

Special Acknowledgments
Caroline Finch